Friday, September 14, 2012

I am the voyeur (not finished?)

I am such the voyeur, see
 look at me (the language imbued)
 I’m ripe with flush, a shine with redness
I stutter over words and tap backspace on letters, erase my graphite, crumple up my ink-work, tumble over greeting gestures.
I’m big eyed with envy and shyness, eyebrow furrowed with word loss and question
I’m pigeon toed with bashful excitement, palm sweat and butterflies,
 shame holed and breathless
and that’s all the first test, not even the worst test
what about the honest answers after intimately entangling,
 wound with intrigue, turned understanding and then nurturance,
 Not worth risking but truth could lead to resentment
not to say in the moment you’re not repentant
So I, watch from a distance,
excited by new faces,