Monday, August 31, 2020

Everything owned and nothing known

 I am not a farmer

I do not know this land

I cannot say whether the golden seeded strands beckoning the sky for a kiss, swaying, not dancing, as the growls of angry motorists pass by, caged into this sidewalk display, cemented in, just a flash of green along the busy byway, is prairie grass


The origins of all of this western culture.

This coffee grown elsewhere

This iPhone manufacture elsewhere

This Cotten shirt sewn elsewhere

This metal chair mined and smelted elsewhere

But like I said

I am not a farmer. 

Sunday, August 02, 2020


The Buddha raised the flower and…
As if it were that simple.

As if the mind did not stray, like pollen lifts
As if the longing did not pull, like petals to the earth
As if the stomach did not turn, dizzy stems yearning sunward
As if the back did not strain, vines grasping to the nearest firm  
As if the muscles could not be scratched, thousand pest bites taunting
And the heart bleed into itself for thirst, this perennial karmic binding.

Monday, July 13, 2020

The Green

My heart loved you, 

The way the sun lights the million green things, 
Delighting in the attunement to each angle, each pitch
Desirous of the epochs locked within each chlorophyll cell,
In awe, inhaling the multitude of contrasts, 
And sighing in wonder at the majesty of the all.

So now with a careful tweeze I pull thorns, 
Ravaging the flesh, that once filled with breath,
And wonder what poison should come from the next, 
What pitfall of darkness the forest dares me to embrace,
What malice is in store for the romantic in haste. 

Saturday, March 07, 2020

(July 2018)

     When every exhausted muscle is
     solidifying into its angry strain,
          what words can I offer, 
                    what amusements or reassurances, 
          to bow you over in laughter
                    or cathartic release, 
          to remind you that you've done
                    everything in your power thus far
          and perhaps offer a lens
                    to reconcile your needs, 
          with a world that seems
                    so ceaselessly demanding?

(Sept 2019)

It used to be we,
and the we was expansive,      growing

Me and you,
that's why my heart hurts
My ego desires an 'or'
My soul knows a self oriented comma
would do
My mind is still rattling with question marks

(Nov 2019)

I've got no job,
no kids,
no partner,
no pets,
paid the rent,
and no substantial debts,
in need of nourishment,
yet of these prospects,
I'm circumspect,
tell me which
is heaven sent
and I swear
I'll bend my will, this time
for the blessing.

Rot (Jan 2020)

Attached to the pain, the dirtiness, the regret and guilt.
I don't find myself dwelling on the positives, but the putrid.
This is the bond of trauma, the vortex, 
sharing this pain doesn't cause connection, 
only further cutting away, 
it doesn't expand, 
it doesn't shift the paradigm to that which was once unseen, 
it blocks and distorts, 
maligns the beautiful, 
sours the sweet,
In desire to pair the complex notes,
another spoiled batch, 
only one way to find a better match,
move forward. 

Dissipate (Feb 2020)

I dedicate this to you,
            but first, 
            -scorch the earth collected 
            blow out the flame, 
                  watch,     inhale,   let go

the whispers reach heavenward,       
the scent broadens through the space,
-and with it,
the taste of
            the first painful bite
            an outline traced
            as plumes of smoke
            recreate your face
a memory, 
            twirls, salutes
                    twists into nothingness
                                                let go

snakes across my collar bone, 
            knotting into my chest, 
branching across the bridge of my nose
to aggravate my eyelashes
                                                let go

            diving, colliding this;
                        sorrow swirls,
            taut and flaring,
                        a maelstrom uprooting
                                                let go

                        watch them narrow, eddy
            watch them divide,
forked fingers,            fearful
            bent knuckles, twisting,
                        tapping the vaporous
                        until dissolution 
                  watch,     inhale,   let go.