Sunday, June 03, 2018

A Hunger or Nourishment (April 2018)

You took a bite of the wall,
now there is a stone in your belly and a hole through which-
you can see something better. Name it.
Call it out. Let them know.
There are vivid colors, fresh air, sweet abundance.
This drab and bitter, isn’t the only reality.
But remember,
if you cling to your tiny mirador in desperation,
you’re blocking the view.
Try something new.

You’ll need better tools than your crooked teeth.
and more hands, the robust, and the petite,
and words: crafted, chiseled, molded to shape,
so that thoughts become visions,
aspirational hymns fueling movements,
amassing the crowds to march and play,
Remind them!
Remember the story of us?
that’s how the walls come crashing down.

That pain? just a stone ground to fuel within,
trust your gut to handle it,
you’ve spent enough time watching other people
take bigger bites.

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