Friday, April 07, 2006

Beauty of Sacrifice (fall 2005)

She denies the personal trials
walks the miles
sings and smiles
she even builds obstacles to help her keep that style
thats how she nourishes it
she keeps her distance
and flourishes in it
concerned more with others
she ignores her own heart
and in that I see beauty
and think it’s a hell of a start

She shrugs off statements
profound and vile
chokes back tears
like shes held em for a wile
like shes in denial
like she prefers it
abstains from distilling poison
instead she stirs it
concerned more with presentation than with the actual content
but in that I see beauty and think its heaven sent

**** I was trying to figure out why that line between humbleness and true hatred of oneself is so hard to walk, and so beautiful in so many people, worrying that it was that line I encouraged of my loved ones. I wrote this thinking about how i could never fully hate the self destructive because it brings about so much understanding and wamrth in people.. this poem was never finished... i was afraid, so i called it bullshit****

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