Saturday, April 08, 2006

A song for a future wise woman (spring 2006)

Conquer the world with your kindness Mateja
let your beauty shine
with music in your head and your talking shoes
you'll always be doing fine

Love the night, the light the life
dont run but explore your mind
and smile and sing and share that joy
with anyone you find

play me a song on your guitar Mateja
let your beauty shine
with music in your head and your talking shoes
you'll always be doing fine

Remember to love them all Mateja
the interesting and the bland
Even Britney is looking for beauty in life
and she'd be proud to shake you hand

Conquer the world with your kindness Mateja
let your beauty shine
with music in your head and your talking shoes
you'll always be doing fine

******this is a silly and stupid song, but this 14-15 year old walked up to me today and asked to take my picture. I said fine as long as i could take hers, and we sat and chatted. She was pretty sweet, i wish i were like her when i was 14, and i listened to her advice hoping to get tidbits from the woman she will become. good times... anywho i was just happy to have met a nice young amazing*****

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